Caravanning with COVID

Caravanning with COVID

Yes – it happened to me. Despite our best efforts to self-protect, I got the bug. And on the last leg of our trip to Queensland while we were still in the caravan! I reckon it was from the amenities block where people were coughing and I couldn’t jump out of the shower quickly enough…

Looks like COVID but it's sea holly

Prepare to manage LONG COVID

COVID is a thoroughly nasty bug, causing inflammation everywhere from the brain to the gut. If you’re unlucky enough to end up with LONG COVID, there’s a whole raft of symptoms you could be experiencing – WITHOUT knowing that your problems are a result of COVID. Some of these are: And if you have these…

Think ZINC and other immune supports
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Think ZINC and other immune supports

It seems like everyone knows about the importance of their immune system as the pandemic rolls on. But there’s not a lot in the mainstream about how to keep it strong… Mainstream protections are a critical starting point The mainstream approach to staying alive and well in this environment is an important, broad brush application,…