Coping with COVID

Since COVID arrived in Australia in 2020, I’ve done a lot to help patients minimise its impact.

COVID is more than a virus that attacks the respiratory system – it impacts your whole body. It has a major impact on your gut function and your circulatory system.

Long COVID is particularly nasty for a percentage of the population, and in fact validates the experience of many of the people who experience the long lasting effects Post Viral Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue.

My approach

New patient thumbnail

I treat you as an individual – with your particular combination of health issues, life style, diet, sensitivities, medications, genes, likes and dislikes. The role I play is that of a “health detective” – tracking down the more subtle issues that many doctors today don’t have the time to delve into.

If you need help coping with COVID and long COVID, then get in touch today through my CONTACT page.

For a faster start, download your confidential questionnaire and email it to me.

General advice from my blog on COVID management

Caravanning with COVID

Caravanning with COVID

Yes – it happened to me. Despite our best efforts to self-protect, I got the bug. And on the last leg of our trip to Queensland while we were still in the caravan! I reckon it was from the amenities block where people were coughing and I couldn’t jump out of the shower quickly enough…

Looks like COVID but it's sea holly

Prepare to manage LONG COVID

COVID is a thoroughly nasty bug, causing inflammation everywhere from the brain to the gut. If you’re unlucky enough to end up with LONG COVID, there’s a whole raft of symptoms you could be experiencing – WITHOUT knowing that your problems are a result of COVID. Some of these are: And if you have these…

Other useful resources online

Managing COVID at home from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Major life stressors ‘strongly predictive’ of Long COVID Medscape Medical News, November 18 2022

Study Reveals How Mediterranean Diet Might Counteract Covid-19, December 2022