Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are major health issues in our today’s high pressure world – and our diets and environments have a big role to play as well as the thoughts we think, our neurobiology and our past life experiences.

My approach

Anxiety and depression have multiple causes – and so a whole-person approach is essential. These “emotional” challenges aren’t just in your mind – they can also be exacerbated by other health issues.

New patient thumbnail

I treat you as an individual – and also help you see the health traps of the systems you’re part of.

If you need help with managing anxiety and depression, then get in touch today through my CONTACT page.

For a faster start, download your confidential questionnaire and email it to me.

General advice from my blog

What Magda’s big health check found about depression

What Magda’s big health check found about depression

I’ve been enjoying the 3-part ABC series Magda’s Big National Health Check – where actor Magda Szubanski takes us along on her personal health journey – and what she learned about the structural issues in today’s society that are making more of us sick than ever before. The third episode of this series included some…

Leading articles and research

What is Kaplan’s Attention Restoration Theory (ART)? Positive Psychology, November 2018.