How I work

Jen Stroh Naturopath

I’m here to help you make the most of your health – with maximum care and a minimum of industrial medications

I combine naturopathic and herbal medications with massage, practical advice and a “listening ear” to help you manage your health better.

It’s an ongoing process of consultation and review – where I put on my “health detective” hat in order to get to the core of what’s challenging your body.

It starts from where you are in your life and what you’re dealing with and focuses on you. <Read more>

Want to get started today?

Download your confidential questionnaire and email it to me through my Contact page.

New patient thumbnail

Current Consultation Fees (1st July 2024)

Naturopathic consultation fees

Initial naturopathic consultations

Your detailed Naturopathic Consultation (phone, video or in person) includes:

1 -1 ¼ hr face-to-face consultation and case history – online or in my Hervey Bay clinic and dispensary.

PLUS preparation time for me to fully understand and research your blood test data, case history and and Intake questionnaire.

(no GST applies)

Followup consultations

One hour

(no GST applies)

30 minutes

(no GST applies)

SHORT consultations

15 minute phone call for ACUTE issues

(no GST applies)

* Notes

  1. Supplements cost EXTRA: and may include a range of herbal liquids, tablets, powders, creams prescribed for your bespoke individual use.
  2. Please bring in your current supplements for me to assess.
  3. I offer a discount of $15 for treatment fees paid in cash.

Remedial massage fees

(Private Health Rebates available)

Options: Remedial, Sports, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology, SacroCranial

One hour treatment

(no GST applies)

30 minute treatment

(no GST applies)