Why COVID – and especially long COVID are still a thing
Unexplained symptoms could be linked to Long COVID. Underlying inflammatory responses ca wreak havoc with continued brain fog and numb toes. There’s help to be had!
Unexplained symptoms could be linked to Long COVID. Underlying inflammatory responses ca wreak havoc with continued brain fog and numb toes. There’s help to be had!
An “average” western diet can create nutrient deficiencies that increase our susceptibility to infectious diseases. In a vicious cycle, invading viruses and bacteria create further shortages. Healthy eating is essential.
In the face of multiple health challenges “healthy living” is not always enough. The same supplements that help with COVID also reduce cancer and heart health risks.
COVID is a virus – and a particularly nasty one. Like other viruses, some unlucky people don’t recover fully. Instead they develop Post Viral Syndrome – whether the original bug was COVID, Epstein-Barr or other viral infections. So many people in so many places have had COVID – sometimes multiple times – that LONG COVID…
Yes – it happened to me. Despite our best efforts to self-protect, I got the bug. And on the last leg of our trip to Queensland while we were still in the caravan! I reckon it was from the amenities block where people were coughing and I couldn’t jump out of the shower quickly enough…
COVID is a thoroughly nasty bug, causing inflammation everywhere from the brain to the gut. If you’re unlucky enough to end up with LONG COVID, there’s a whole raft of symptoms you could be experiencing – WITHOUT knowing that your problems are a result of COVID. Some of these are: And if you have these…
With the highly infectious Omicron COVID-19 variant all around us, the chances of getting the bug are (sadly) quite high. And when you get it, you have to isolate. Plus, the natural remedy supply chain is every bit as disrupted as your supermarket stocks. So what would it be useful to have on hand? At…
It seems like everyone knows about the importance of their immune system as the pandemic rolls on. But there’s not a lot in the mainstream about how to keep it strong… Mainstream protections are a critical starting point The mainstream approach to staying alive and well in this environment is an important, broad brush application,…
What do when you feel “a bug coming on” to support your immune system.
What to do? Physical distancing and Sanitising are the MOST IMPORTANT strategies in minimizing our exposure to COVID19. Apart from avoidance we can improve our immune system response to any viral/bacterial/fungal exposure by considering the following: Even if you’re not sick yet, then Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc – NOW – in appropriate…