Chia pudding – a great craving-buster to keep in the fridge
Chia makes for great healthy eating – full of nutrients and fibre – and it’s good for blood sugar management. It’s a bit on the crunchy side (and can get stuck in your teeth!), so turning it into a Chia Pudding is a good option.
One of my clients uses her Chia Pudding as a fridge staple to manage “the hungries”.
She makes up a batch and stores it in the fridge where could last for up to a week (except that it gets eaten before that).
Her mix is tasty enough to eat straight if a craving hits. It also combines with other options – for example, with some fresh pineapple mixed in, or on top of some dry cereal.
Here’s her approach…
Any sort of fridge safe container. A beetroot storer has good volume, a secure lid and a small fridge footprint.

1/2 cup natural yoghurt
1 cup water
3 tablespoon of chia seed
2 tablespoons of preserved ginger – chopped roughly (or to taste)
HINT: Find a pre-sliced version – it makes the chopping super-easy.
Mix everything in the container, stirring with a fork to combine.
Scrape down the sides.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours – or overnight.
If it gets too gluggy, add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of extra liquid.
(It’s best left in the fridge for at least a couple of hours after mixing – to give it time to turn into pudding.)
Store it in the fridge – eat it “straight” when the hungries hit – or add it to fruit / cereal.