Holiday hints to stay healthy

Holiday hints to stay healthy

The festive season has arrived – and along with lots of fun and reconnection, it also brings temptation, stress and challenges to our best intentions. The challenges of food A few bubbles – and lots of water Go for moderation rather than deprivation – you’ll be more successful. Rather than declare “no alcohol”, declare “lots…

Four simple strategies for avoiding that extra Christmas half-kilo

Four simple strategies for avoiding that extra Christmas half-kilo

Festive season weight gain in the November – January festive season can be anything up to half a kilogram. Over-indulgence, holiday slow down and high-calorie foods are common contributing factors. The news isn’t all bad, though. There are four simple strategies you can use to minimise your holiday weight gain. In summary, these are: There’s…

What Magda’s big health check found about depression

What Magda’s big health check found about depression

I’ve been enjoying the 3-part ABC series Magda’s Big National Health Check – where actor Magda Szubanski takes us along on her personal health journey – and what she learned about the structural issues in today’s society that are making more of us sick than ever before. The third episode of this series included some…

Caravanning with COVID

Caravanning with COVID

Yes – it happened to me. Despite our best efforts to self-protect, I got the bug. And on the last leg of our trip to Queensland while we were still in the caravan! I reckon it was from the amenities block where people were coughing and I couldn’t jump out of the shower quickly enough…