How does a Naturopathic Consultation work?

As a well qualified, experienced Health Professional, I listen well to your concerns and issues. My goal is to treat you “the whole person” – so I’m interested in more than your current health issues.

Before your consult

Initial intake forms

I’ll request you to fill in some Intake forms so I can prepare in advance for our first Consultation. These CONFIDENTIAL forms ask for your personal details and a summary of your concerns.

Further, more detailed pre-consult information

Once I have a basic understanding, I’ll follow up with an email that asks more detailed questions – questions about your digestion, skin, emotional well being, food habits and so on. I will email these to you and – if you are able – email them back to me. Otherwise bring them with you to the first appointment or fill them in here at the Clinic.

I like to know in detail about any Medications and Supplements you take, so I usually ask you to bring these along to the Consult or send a photo. I can then advise on quality and appropriate supplements for you as an individual.

It’s important I know about your Medications so I can safely prescribe foods and supplements that will not interfere with these Medications. (Even the seemingly benign Slippery Elm powder may interact with your Medications!)

Ideally I like to see your last lot of Blood test results from your GP/Specialist before your visit to me. This allows me time to consider the wealth of valuable information that these tests contain. Early access means that I can be more discerning when considering how I can help you. It also means that I can see where there may be gaps in the information provided by these tests – so you can take info back to your GP to possibly explore further testing.

Are there additional useful tests?

There are numerous other Testing options that I regularly suggest to elicit more accurate and useful information about your particular situation. These may include:

  • Stool Microbiome testing,
  • Hair analysis,
  • Urine or saliva testing for Hormones,
  • Other blood tests like Omega-3 Index and so on.

These usually have extra costs so I like to minimize their use – but sometimes they can provide vital “puzzle pieces” of information.

Our initial consult

After my preliminary reading and thinking about your case, our Initial Consult will last about one hour (possibly a little longer).

We dig into more specific explorations about your needs and concerns, your thoughts and feelings and together work out an approach that is do-able for YOU.

This may involve food, exercise, quiet time, energetic time, supplements, testing and so on. I may provide some liquid herbal tonics or teas at your Consult or I may request that you order supplements online through my preferred Supplier outlets.

Follow up consults

Follow up Consults are typically 2 to 4 weeks after your Initial Consult and may last for 30 to 60 mins, depending on your situation. Then we will decide together on how often to proceed. People often find it useful to come in every few months if they have chronic conditions or every week for a few times for acute issues.

Remedial massage treatment

For Remedial Massage Treatments I take a detailed history on the day and discuss options for treatment.

It is useful for me to see your last lot of Blood tests and Reports from Xrays or other investigations like Ultrasound, MRIs and so on. This will help me understand your situation better and thus provide the most appropriate treatments.

That’s why your first treatment takes a bit longer and costs a bit more – because I want to understand your life and your relationship with your body – not just your “problem”.

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