Women’s Health
Women’s bodies are complicated – with a whole raft of unique physiology. For example, women have been excluded from many clinical trials of drug effectiveness, because their biological variances would complicate the trial process.
In particular, the processes of menopause and perimenopause are still not well understood in the general population – who think that menopause is about hot flushes in your 60s, not depression and insomnia in your 40s.
Like any other area, our diets, family and working and environments have a big role to play in how well our bodies function, as well as the thoughts we think, emotions we feel and our past life experiences.
My approach
Women’s bodies are complex – so a whole-person approach is essential. Many so called “emotional” issues aren’t just in your mind – they can be associated with hormone balance, your nervous system and stress level, your feelings of self worth, your ability to ask for what you need, your financial circumstances and intergenerational stressors like mental heath issues in the family or heritable diseases or conditions.
If you need help with managing acute and chronic pain, then get in touch today through my CONTACT page.
For a faster start, download your confidential questionnaire and email it to me.
I treat you as an individual – and aim to understand your whole body.
General advice from my blog
Here are some blog posts with advice and ideas around women’s health and menopause:
Sarcopenia – the ageing risk you DON’T hear about so much
Muscles age like bones do – and if you don’t know to build your strength, you could be at risk of Sarcopenia (muscle loss).
9 things women should know about Heart disease symptoms
Women have more subtle symptoms of Heart Attack than just overt chest pain. Know what to look for and how to care for yourself and others.
Dealing better with the silent threat of Osteoporosis
What can YOU do today to minimise your risk of osteoporosis and maximise your bone density and bone strength?
Perimenopause may happen earlier than you think: the ‘swinging’ hormones at it again!
It might be perimenopause, not a nervous breakdown or post-COVID stress and disruption. Naturopathic approaches may help you sort this out and feel heaps better.
No bones about it – osteoporosis kills
Do you know the state of your bones? Is your skeleton fragile or strong? Osteoporosis is a hidden, silent menace for both men and women – but particularly for women. It doesn’t hurt (unlike arthritis); there are no obvious symptoms – then one day you have a minor fall and your life changes – sometimes forever. …
Women, ageing and the contraceptive pill
It was fascinating to watch Catalyst’s recent program on the “Female Sex Drive” and be reminded of how ageing changes horomone levels and creates new side effects for long term medications. In this story, they were discussing a range of issues, including: The contraceptive pill can reduce levels of sexual interest at any age. The…
Leading articles and research
Jean Hailes Foundation is a leading Women’s Health research, education and clinical Centre in Melbourne.
Other publications I respect on Women’s Health with a wholistic perspective include:
Women, Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle by Ruth Trickey (mainly for practitioners) plus her other more user friendly books for the lay person written with Kaz Cooke the comedian
Clinical Naturopathic Medicine by Leah Hechtman
Hormone Repair Manual by Lara Briden
Strong Women Stay Young by Miriam Nelson