BP and Heart Health

It’s important to manage your blood pressure and heart/cardiovascular health.

Prevention is of course the best way. Prevent the devastating effects of stroke and heart attack.

Learn the benefits of certain foods to enhance your blood vessel health and maintain a robust heart. Find ways to exercise that you love so your heart will love you back. Understand how effective herbal medicine strategies can be to help you manage the underlying inflammatory processes that may drive cardiovascular disease. Explore how your gut bugs (microbiome) may be triggering cardiovascular expressions of inflammation. And find out how these can be calmed and changed.

My approach to managing blood pressure and heart health

A wholistic overview makes a big difference when it comes to cardiovascular health. I get to understand where I can help leverage opportunities to you improve lifestyle habits like exercise, food awareness and desires, sleep and stress management.

Even genetic tendencies can be mitigated to some degree with lifestyle measures and appropriate Naturopathic interventions like herbal medicines and nutritional supplements.

New patient thumbnail

If you need help with managing your blood pressure and heart health, then get in touch today through my CONTACT page.

For a faster start, download your confidential questionnaire and email it to me.

Published studies (2018) on Kyolic Garlic and high blood pressure

Posts on blood pressure and heart health

nuts for weight loss

Go nuts about your health

When I talk to clients about health and weight loss, one of my strong recommendations is that they include a variety of nuts in their diet – and I’m always asked “Aren’t nuts full of fat?” and “Won’t I put ON weight if I eat nuts?” The answer is “No – nuts are good for…