Gut Health and Food Sensitivities

Good gut health is the foundation of all health.

Gut problems don’t show up as just gut problems – they often show up as unrelated problems. For example, most people don’t connect their gut health with:

  • Aching joints
  • Skin problems
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety

(It’s a long list)

My approach to gut health

We start with a “slow and steady” process to help your gut restore and recuperate. Starting with diet, sleep and stress management.

There may also be a place for supplements and herbal medicines – once the foundations have been set. But diet, sleep and stress management are the first step towards better gut health and reduced food sensitivities.

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If you need help with managing gut health and food sensitivities, then get in touch today through my CONTACT page.

For a faster start, download your confidential questionnaire and email it to me through my Contact Page.

See how your microbiome may affect Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease 2024 research

General advice from my blog

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Articles | Herbal Medicine

Why be concerned about those tablets that keep your reflux at bay?

One of the things that can stop working so well in our bodies is our digestion – and heartburn can get REALLY uncomfortable REALLY regularly. Take the problem to your GP and you’ll probably come out with a prescription for a PPI (some brand of a family of drugs called Proton Pump Inhibitor). This class…

Links on gut health